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Deprecation Guide for Handlebars / HTMLBars helpers

All the various ways to create helpers on the Handlebars and HTMLBars namespace have been deprecated in favor of the Ember.Helper class and it's Ember.Helper.helper function. The makeViewHelper method has been deprecated in favor of just using an Ember.Component.


If you use viewHelper you should refactor the view class and template into a component with the same name as the view helper you registered.

makeBoundHelper, registerBoundHelper, helper, registerHelper

If you have for example:

export default Ember.HTMLBars.makeBoundHelper(function(firstArg, secondArg, options) {
  let { hash } = options;
  // helper code


Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('foo-bar', function(firstArg, secondArg, options) {
  let { hash } = options;
  // helper code

you can replace those with:

export default Ember.Helper.helper(function([firstArg, secondArg], hash) {
  // helper code